Thursday, July 1, 2010

How Shyloh entered the world

I woke up Sunday morning two days past my due date. I was feeling a tad rushed because my mom and sister were here and I wanted them to have some time with the baby before they had to leave. I was ready to birth this angel but babies are easier to take care of in the belly I wasn't in any hurry. Church was nice. All the ladies came up and lamented the fact that I didn't have a baby in my arms. One lady said "Maybe tonight". I wasn't getting my hopes up.

I kept busy that day. Helping with the kids and trying to keep things clean. It was around seven when I started having contractions that were about 7 minutes apart. They didn't feel like anything special and this had happened several times before so I didn't get too excited.

At 8:30pm I was reading Nolan bedtime stories when a contraction hit that sent me to my knees breathing. Then the next one was a bit stronger. I imagined a newborn in my arms and began to get super excited. I kissed Nolan good night and went out to tell Summer and Mom what had transpired. You could taste the excitement!!! We walked around my room getting things set up while I stopped and rocked through contractions. I was feeling a tiny bit of the contraction in my back so I did the side lunge just for safe measure. I wanted this baby in the perfect position for launch.

The contractions started burning and it felt like my cervix was opening. A lady in our ward came over around 11pm to wish us well. She had been a labor and delivery nurse before she had children so she was super excited for us. While sitting there chatting with her I had two really strong contractions but tried to hide it. OUCH! After she left I went back to laying on the bed completely relaxed and calmly breathing through contractions.

11PM-Summer and mom were great but I just felt like I needed to get in the zone so I got in the shower. Plus I wanted to be clean for the birth. Joe put a knee high stool in there for me to lean on and I just did hands and knees or squatting during contractions. I was really having to breath and concentrate. I wasn't timing these hugs but they felt about 5 minutes apart. The shower was wonderful but my legs and arms were getting tired and all I could think about was my nice warm bed. I crawled out and put on my labor outfit. They put some chux pads on the bed just in case my water broke. I wasn't expecting this because It has always broken just as the baby comes. The contractions were pretty intense at this point. I was so relaxed and in tune with my body that I wasn't freaking out like I would have before. I was still just calmly breathing. When a contraction would hit its peak I would purse my lips and let out a slow deep breath. They were leaving me feeling a bit nauseous but I still thought I was in early labor. (I was actually in transition at this point) My mom was massaging my feet and Joe was rubbing my back while summer pressed a hot pad to my back. I was thinking I should go into labor every day!! : ) I was feeling so pampered! But I know it helped me stay relaxed.

12am- Suddenly i felt something very strange. It felt like a thick rubber band snapping. For a split second I though it was just the baby punching my cervix. I sort of jumped then waited a second and realized my water had broken. It just came gushing. My eyes flew open and I announced suddenly "my water just broke, I need to get in the tub NOW" I sort of made this fake cry and Joe asked me what was wrong. I told him that I was scared. I'm not sure what I was scared of. I think deep down I knew that things would be moving really fast and I was afraid of the pain. They calmed me down and we moved to the tub with a chux between my legs. The water felt wonderful!! It was amazing. I was so in the zone. I waited patiently for the next contraction. When it came I had the urge to scream through it but I just breathed. I felt a soft urge to push but wasn't ready yet. Summer was sitting there with me and when the contraction ended I told her breathlessly that the baby was coming and that I was feeling the pushing urge. She loudly announced "she's coming!!" It made me smile.

The next contraction was more intense. I had to push that time. There was no breathing through it. I tried to just let my body do the pushing and stay completely relaxed. The next few contractions are a bit of a blur. With each contraction I would push a little more. I could feel her moving down the birth canal. About three contractions after getting in the tub I saw Joe standing in the door way. I called for him and he came and sat where Summer had been. I gripped onto his hand for dear life. He checked me and said he could feel the head. The next contraction was insane. I was trying not to push but had to! I started to lose control and muttered "I can't do this" My sweet husband told me to open my eyes and look at him but they were sealed shut. I finally got them open and he looked at me deeply and said "You've got this baby! Your doing this" Then a contraction came and I could feel her crowning. I pushed as hard as I could and felt her head pop out. It was so intense.

12:30AM-Joe peaked and said she was out up to her mouth. I waited for the next contraction then gave a good push and out came her slimy seven pound five ounce little body. Joe maneuvered her through the water and placed her on my chest. The flood of emotion at that moment was incredible! Pure bliss! The only words I could muster were "I Love you!" I just kept repeating this phrase, I love you, I love you! I loved everyone at that moment. My wonderful husband who brought me out of the deepest contractions, my sweet sister who was documenting and encouraging me and my sweet mother who was an awesome birth assistant. But most of all I was in awe of this tiny little being in my arms. Her head was covered in long black hair and it was super slimy. I thought if felt really neat. She had luscious creamy vernix all over her sweet little bottom. I just rubbed it all over her back and arms. She was deliciously perfect and I loved her completely!

We couldn't believe how fast and easy everything had gone. I though I was in early labor then my water breaks and thirty minutes later she's here in my arms! The excitement in the air was so tangible! It was a sacred experience that I will forever cherish. I have never felt so much love in my life! I still get chills thinking about it. I was truly in baby birthing heaven!


  1. WOW just WOW! That was beautiful thank you so much for sharing that... Big Giant Congrats to you and your family! What a great husband!

  2. I am so glad it all went so smooth. I am glad she is here safe,and you are ok as well. let us know when you are up for a visit, it will be fun to see and snuggle that cute little girl.

  3. OH Shanna!! I am balling my eyes out now! that was soooo beautiful!! Thank you soo much for posting this! I truly felt like I was there! I love you and am soo proud of the wonderful woman that you are! Love, Wendy

  4. Dearest Sha'nan, that was absolutely amazing! THANK YOU for sharing ; ) That baby girl of yours is absolutely beautiful, and I couldn't be happier for you, Joe and Nolan. Admittedly though, I had the urge to scoop you up and hug you from some of those photos! I miss you tons, but see that life in Utah is very good on you! Congratulations, and much love, Lorene

  5. I get all choked up... and that does not happen much. You are awesome!

  6. This is such a lovely story! I'm going to link to it from my site!


  7. Congratulations, Shanna! What a beautiful birth story and gorgeous little baby girl! ♥
