Friday, September 4, 2009

Pineapple Pregnancy : )

Since we are trying to conceive I thought I would share this.... Nolan and I LOVE pineapple so we will definitely be trying this

Using Pineapple to Assist Implantation:
Pineapple contains bromelain. Bromelain is a proteolytic enzyme that breaks up proteins that inhibit embryo implantation. Consuming a whole pineapple (focusing on the core as it has the highest concentration of Bromelain) during a fertility cycle can be beneficial.

For IVF cycle: consume equal amounts over five days, beginning on the day of your embryo transfer.

IUI cycle: consume equal amounts over five days, beginning on the day of your IUI.

Timed intercourse cycle: consume equal amounts over five days, beginning on the day after ovulation.

Note: Be careful not to start consuming pineapple too early in the cycle. Beginning to consume pineapple BEFORE the recommended days above can actually affect your vaginal and cervical mucus PH, making it more acidic.


  1. Wow- you are really eating the core??? I hear those are really acidic- are you able to keep it down?

  2. So, are you trying to conceive for surrogacy or to multiply the Hartzell clan?

  3. Pineapple huh!!! I'm excited for you guys and hope it works!!

  4. The Surrogacy fell through so I guess its another munchkin for the Hartzell clan

    The core tastes the same its just really hard to chew.... like a rock lol.
